I mean I guess its better than using guns but at the same time, is it really that much fun for you to kill things that are minding its own business?

Support the Ban on Bowhunting!.

Arrow in New Jersey Deer’s Head Sparks Support for Ban on Bow Hunting

My name is Doe A. Deer. I am very upset that my deer cousin in Rockaway Township New Jersey was recently found with an arrow in her head. The photo of my deer cousin in New Jersey with an arrow in her face is so upsetting but I had to see it up close, in person. I was…

My Quest to Stop Deer Hunting

The first time I ever heard that some humans hate deer was a few years ago when I lived in Town & Country, MO. That is where I was born and raised from a fawn by my mom, whose mom also raised her in Town & Country, MO. In fact, my entire deer family had lived in…